Esquema de tema
Luca Ferrari
Scientific coordinator of INES project. Associate Professor in Didactic and Special Pedagogy, Phd in Pedagogical Sciences. Since 2006 he takes active part in different EU-funded projects in the field of “ICT and pedagogical innovation”. From 2009 to 2012 he has partecipated as “junior researcher” in the Ministerial project “Learning4all”. Consultant and trainer within the international cooperation projects “Supporting the promotion and development of the inclusive school in El Salvador” (2014) and “Strengthening full time inclusive school in El Salvador” (2016). He is scientific coordinator of the research grant "The impact of the study method on learning through the use of computer tools". From December 2021 he is coordinator of the three-year project, Erasmus+, Innovative teaching and learning pathways for the prevention of new drug abuse (INES)
Elena Pacetti
Elena Pacetti is Associate Professor in Didactic and Special Pedagogy at the Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna. She is the Scientific responsible of CEMET (Research Centre on Education, Media and Technologies), member of the Scientific Committee of CRESPI (Centre for Educational Research on Teachers as Professionals), member of CSGE (Study Centre on Gender and Education). She is Delegate for the International Relations of the Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna. Her research works are concentrated on didactic innovation, ICT's in teaching and learning, social networking, gender in education, inclusive education.
Roberta Biolcati Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology. Expertise in the field of prevention in adolescence, psychological motives and substance use/abuse, binge drinking, behavioral addictions.
Laura Mercolini Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Head of the Research Group of Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis (PTA Lab) at the FaBiT Department, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Director of the second level professional Master's programme of Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna in Forensic Chemical and Chemical-Toxicological Analyses. Researcher at the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research in Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications and Materials Technology (CIRI-MAM) of the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Michele Protti Senior Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Member of the Research Group of Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis (PTA Lab).Expertise: Design and implementation of original analytical methodologies for the determination of compounds active on the central nervous system (CNS) and biomarkers in complex matrices of biological and non-biological nature, with emphasis on novel microsampling and pretreatment techniques.Roberto Mandrioli I am Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. My main expertise deals with the development of analytical methods for drugs of abuse, doping agents, CNS drugs. I have been a member of previous European Erasmus+ projects TOX-OER (Learning Toxicology through Open Educational Resources) and OEMONOM (Open Access Educational Materials on Naturally Occurring Molecules, ongoing). My main roles in this project are: research, syllabus preparation, short course preparation, classification of NPS. Stefano Girotti Current position: Professore dell’ Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
Skills: analytical chemistry and development of analytical methods, in particular bioluminescent and chemiluminescent methods; scientific divulgation."
Mohammadreza Mahdavijalal Post-doc research fellow in Medicinal Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT), Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Member of the Research Group of Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis (PTA Lab).
Expertise: Development of novel methodologies and materials for extraction and analysis of small molecules from complex samples.Alessandro Soriani is PhD in Pedagogical Sciences and in Information and Communication Studies (title obtained at the University of Bologna's Department of Education Studies, in joint supervision with École Doctorale 276 - Arts et Médias of the Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3). Research fellow for the Bologna's Department of Education Studies, his researches explore the influence of relationships that develop within digital environments on the social climate of learning environments and the development of inclusive school’s policies in contexts of social-violence. His scientific interests are ICT and media in educational and pedagogical contexts. He works as consultant for the Council of Europe’s Digital Citizenship Education Project. He also works as teacher trainer and facilitator for youth's participatory processes.
Marco Nenzioni Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, I am currently a Research Fellow in the Department of Educational Studies (University of Bologna). Areas of expertise include e-Learning, Instructional Design, Educational Technologies, Open Education, and Universal Design for Learning (content accessibility). Lorenzo Marincich Ph.D. Student in Science and Culture of Well-being and Lifestyles. Expertise: analysis of bioactive compounds from natural sources, data treatment, statistical analysis. Participation in previous European Erasmus+ project OEMONOM (Open Access Educational Materials on Naturally Occurring Molecules, ongoing). Andrea Reggiani Technical staff and Ph.D. student in Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Education Studies "G.M Bertin", University of Bologna. Expertise: didactic innovation; learning environments; a framework for qualifications and training of university teachers. Lorenza Maluccelli Research Manager, Department of Education Studies "G.M Bertin" of University of Bologna. Expertise: support for competitive funding projects
Stefano D'Ambrosio Ph.D. student in Pedagogical Sciences, University of Bologna. Areas of expertise include learning strategies, instructional design for the creation of e-learning courses, educational technologies, with a specific focus on school and work inclusion.
Roberta Di Lecce Research fellow, Department for Life Quality Studies, University of Bologna.
Fernando Manuel Gomes Remião Fernando Manuel Gomes Remião is an Associate Professor with habilitation of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (FFUP), Director of the Integrated Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Member of the Scientific Council of FFUP an Invited Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the U.Porto. He graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences by FFUP in 1993. He obtained his Ph.D. in Toxicology in 2002 from FFUP, after a brief period of research in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Southern California (USA). In July 2015, he obtained his “Título de Agregado” [Habilitation] in Toxicology. Veiga Amélia Amélia Veiga is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (FPCEUP) and a researcher at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (CIIE) of FPCEUP and collaborator researcher at the Centre for Research on Higher Education Policies (CIPES). She is a former postdoctoral scholar holding a PhD on Educational Sciences by the University of Porto, Portugal (2010). -
Ana Isabel Nogueira de Moura Qualifications:Higher Education Graduation in Modern Languages and Literatures (Portuguese & French)
Personal description: I love to learn through new experiences - new people, cultures, places and languages. I also love exercising; I regularly practice Pilates and trekking. I love arts - literature, cinema, painting and photography.
Ana Rita Ferreira Alves Fernandes Qualifications: Higher Education Graduation in Modern Languages and Literatures (Portuguese & French)
Personal description: I am a travel lover because I love learning new things and new cultures, meeting new people and exchanging experiences. I love teaching and opening my students’ minds and horizons. I have been involved with other Erasmus + projects.
Isabel Maria de Lima Fernandes Qualifications:Higher Education Graduation in Physics
Personal description: I consider myself as an easy-going person, happy about life and fond of a good conversation. I love walking by the sea, traveling, meeting different people and learning new things from them. I also love my pets, two cats and a dogMaria Manuela Borges Galante Qualifications: Higher Education Graduation in Modern Languages and Literatures (English & German)
Personal Description: I am a very easy-going kind of person who loves learning new things, meeting new people and travelling. I love my job and especially broaden my students' horizons. I also love writing, reading and good music. The sea is my inspiration. Love walking by the boardwalk and listening to the sounds of the sea.I have been involved with Erasmus+ Projects for a while now.Olívia Maria Arteiro do Couto Rodrigues Qualifications: Graduation in Higher Education in Chemical EngineeringPersonal description: I enjoy living peacefully and appreciate every minute of my life. I aim to understand the world around me so that I share it with others. I adore teaching and learning with young people. Only this way will I be able to try and understand the reason for life.
Draghici Camelia PhD in Chemistry, Professor of University Transilvania of Braşov, Faculty Product Design, Mechatronics and Environment; university coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Main research fields: environmental monitoring, environmental analysis, metrology in chemistry, new materials for pollutants sensing.
Perniu Dana PhD in educational sciences, Professor of University Transilvania of Braşov, Faculty Product Design, Mechatronics and Environment; university coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme.
Main research fields: environmental monitoring, environmental analysis, metrology in chemistry, new materials for pollutants sensing.
Covei Maria Maria Covei is a lecturer in the Faculty of Product Design and Environment, of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania. Her main area of expertise is Environmental Chemistry, with a focus on the development and characterization of materials for energy conversion. -
Chiara Montelpare I am a physics teacher at the economic technical high school ITCS Gaetano Salvemini in Casalecchio di Reno (Italy). I have a degree in physics and in physics education. I also have a master's degree in science communication. I have always been interested in communicating scientific issues to the general public and in studying the learning process of physical and mathematical concepts.
Giulia Bussolari I am a Math professor at the technical and economic institute G. Salvemini in Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna). I have a Master's degree in "International Management" and another degree in "Economy and Marketing". I am really interested in teaching and I am also specialized in statistics, strategy and innovation, organizational forms and design, service marketing and business intelligence. -
Fabian Andry Developer, specialized in interactivity and complex algorithm Thomas Henrion
Developer specialized in the implementation of complex content management systems (proprietary CMS or Open-Source) as well as in the realization mobile applications (native or Web responsive). He has in- depth expertise in UX design issues (User Experience). He is also a visiting professor at the Institute of Broadcasting Arts (IAD) in Louvain-la-Neuve). He teaches javascript development (Web oriented) to students in the multimedia section. Frédéric Mignon Designer, director and multimedia project manager. Active in the profession since 1999, he began his professional career in the multimedia sector by actively participating in numerous projects. Director of Crossroads' multimedia department. His expertise focuses on all issues related to the gamification of learning. -
Costea Gabriela Bachelor’s degree in Technological Engineering, Master’s degree in Flexible Manufacturing Systems, at Transilvania University, Brașov, Bachelor's degree in Law, specialization in Law as a lawyer, at Transilvania University, Brașov. Technical disciplines teacher at CTMC since 1997, head teacher since 2009, coordinator and project manager with European funding Phare Tvet, POSDRU from 1997 until now. ARACIP evaluator member of the department within ME.
Szarsz Roxana Bachelor’s degree in Romanian language and literature and English language and literature, at Transilvania University, Brașov, Postgraduate studies in French language and literature, at Transilvania University, Brașov.
Romanian and English teacher at Mircea Cristea Technical College.
Filip Melania Doctor of Engineering-Teaching Degree I, Department of Technical Culture, Electrical and Mechanical
PhD in engineering, technical subjects and applied informatics, expert in evaluation and authorization / accreditation ARACIP, national / regional / local trainer within different European projects, Member of the SPP review team and National Curriculum for the mechanical field in the project -,, Revised Curriculum in Vocational and Technical Education (CRIPT)” ID 58832, co-author of 10 articles and publications
Codreanu Gesica Economist, expert accountant with experience in managing funds for EU funded projects.