Тематический план

  • INES background

  • Work Packages

    WP-1. Ines syllabus and piloting

    Academic partners develop a syllabus proposal on the NPS topic. At the end of this process, the syllabus is presented and shared with the teachers of the partner schools.

    The work proceeds with the construction of an anonymous survey to identify the students' knowledge (and any previous experience) with respect to NPS.

    The data collected through the survey will be used to map the macro characteristics of the pilot schools (located in three different European countries), and to identify the training needs of students and teachers. 

    Each partner university, within the pilot schools and based on the collected data, organizes a short blended-learning course addressed to students, teachers, and educators in order to introduce the topic of NPS (knowledge phase).

    The work continues with the identification of educational strategies and collaborative content design involving pilot schools and (potential) external stakeholders. Each partner meets the schools (teachers) and realizes of co-planning of the learning paths (based on the Syllabus). All the contents (OERs) created in form of Didactic Units will be made available in the section of the platform "micro-Open Online Course".

    WP-2. Ideation, design and game implementation

    WP2 starts with the recognition of game structures and with the development of a design template for schools. 

    The pilot schools (students and teachers) are involved in the co-design of "games prototype" according to the  "storytelling architectures" shared with the classes. The involvement of students during the preliminary phase of scriptwriting is essential.

    Each school internally identifies, at least, 5 classes (per year) participating in a “competition of ideas” promoted within the  project. Without prejudging the outcome of the work, that will be carried out in the pilot schools, a game approach with rich storytelling that invites identification and promotes empathy will promote.

    The working groups (students, teachers, and academic partners) will be guided and accompanied in the realization of the games by game design experts and academic partners (e.g. academic staff and researchers) involved in the  INES project. 

    The Wp continues with the technical implementation of the game formats. The game selected through a competition of ideas is concretely realized, described, and made available in the collaborative Handbook (see WP3).

    WP-3. Collaborative development and testing of learning paths

    The collaborative Handbook is a methodological and pedagogical guide for teachers and educators to assist, step by step, the schools in the subsequent phases of didactic experimentation. In this Wp, the methodological,  strategic, and content components are in continuous interaction. Both in the pilot schools and in the associated schools (after the first experimentation we will publish a call for interest in order to find associate further schools to test the contents and strategies developed during the first year of the INES project), a series of didactic  experimentation will be carried out on the basis of the guidelines described in the handbook.

    This Wp consists of 2 steps: a) identification and description of teaching strategies (and digital technologies) that can be exploited to effectively convey the contents on the NPS topic (Didactic Units); b) collaborative content creation (OERs) and game design involving pilot schools and (potential) external stakeholders.

    The experimentation phase involves, at least, 5 classes per year for each institute/partner country (total:  minimum expected: 30 classes). 

    The first experimentation will be organized at the end of the first year of the INES project to test/adapt the contents and the strategies (formalized as Didactict Units)  developed by teachers in collaboration with INES academic partners (e.g. academic staff and researchers). 

    The second experimentation will be organized between the second and the third year of the project to test/adapt the collaborative Handbook. The learning contents (Open Educational Resources), the teaching-learning strategies and game structures tested during the experimentation will be made available in the collaborative Handbook.