• 30 November 2024. INES Video. Our story, our results!  

  • 18-19 November 2024. Porto, 18-19 November 2024 | Final Meeting and Multiplier Event of the INES Project 
A heartfelt thank you to all the students and teachers from the three secondary schools, Zarco School (Portugal), Mircea Cristea School (Romania), and Salvemini School (Italy), who contributed to the success of the three-year INES project.

Today, we are thrilled to present the final project output; a serious game designed to contrast the abuse of new psychoactive substances among youngsters. The game "Paradise on Earth" is the result of a collaborative process involving all the students who participated in the project.
A special thanks to the SwingTree team (Frédéric Mignon, Thomas Henrion, Fabian Andry) for concretely realizing the game.

Link: https://ines.swingtree.be/

  • 30 May - 3 June 2024 (Chimia + INES restricted meeting)

During the Chimia 2024 conference, the INES project was presented. The working days were also an opportunity to meet with colleagues from Transylvania University to discuss the editorial guidelines of the INES book, which will be presented in Porto in November 2024.

  • 29/04/2024 INES Multiplier Event - Italy

During the INES Multiplier Event, the Salvemini Institute teachers and students proposed an adaptation of the INES game through card production. The idea is to have students create storytelling to begin addressing the topic of drugs in the classroom. The idea is to create groups of students (4 students per group) and proceed with story creation (20 minutes). Four cards are randomly handed out for each group. The story can be posted on a shared whiteboard and discussed in class. 
Click here to download the card! (link)

  • 22/04/2024

The Italian Multiplier Event of the INES project was a huge success! Held on April 16, 2024, at the Salvemini Upper Secondary School in Bologna, the event received an extraordinary response thanks to the active involvement of the audience.

  • 19/04/2024

The INES Winter School, developed within the framework of the INES project and funded through the Blended Intensive Programme, took place in Bologna from April 15th to 19th. During the event, 19 university students from Romania, Portugal, and the Czech Republic actively contributed to the construction of educational resources on the topic of NPS. It was an extraordinary event that allowed participants to engage in intercultural exchange and work together to achieve common goals.

  • 10/01/2024 Test our Pedagogical Planner! 

The INES toolkit is an online pedagogical planner for secondary school teachers who intend to design and implement interdisciplinary teaching-learning experiences on New Psychoactive Substances (NPS). The toolkit, in particular, aims to support teachers in the ideation phase by providing a clear and feasible design framework and presenting examples and teaching resources that start from the hands-on teaching experience of teachers involved in the INES project.

Link: here

  • 14/10/2023
ERASMUS DAYS at Zarco School!

The participants, likely students, have organized an exhibition centered around two topic: 
1 - INES ERASMUS + "Dissemination"
2 - GENDER (IN)EQUALITY  "Europe, We have a Voice!"*
*Gender equality slogan (
*Gender equality slogan (pdf)

  • 21/6/2023 
The final report "Survey on the perception of teachers and students regarding the use of NPS and teaching the NPS use prevention" is now available! Download (EN)

  • 16/6/2023

    Dissemination of the INES project continues through the activities of the various partners involved.

    At the end of this school year, J. G. Zarco Secondary School presented the INES project, its goals and perspectives to students, parents, and teachers through this dissemination video. We thank Manuela G. and her team for coordinating these activities within their school.

  • 25/05/2023 

International seminar to share the results of the Survey on the perception of NPS from students and teachers. 

Prof. Dana Perniu (University of Transylvania) will present and discuss the main results of the survey on the perception of the use of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) by students, aged 14-16, from Italy, Portugal, and Romania.

The survey, which is one of the results of the INES project aims to (a) find out the perceptions of secondary school students and teachers on the topic of NPS, (b) formalize the educational and teaching strategies being implemented by schools to fight this phenomenon.

10:00 - 12:00 (CET TIME)

Where: Sala Riunioni (Department of Education Studies, University of Bologna) or via Teams at the following link:


  • 3/05/2023 

On this date, SwingTree teams meet School teachers in order to carry on the activity related to the creation of the game. In particular, this meeting has been useful in presenting the "Quick Start Guide" created by the Belgian team to support the school in the initial phases of the ideation and development of the history and its related game proposal.

  • 13/04-20/04/2023 

On April 13th and 20th, INES partners met for online follow-up on the activities. The first official release of the syllabus was presented, survey results were discussed, and talks about the status of co-designing of didactic units, game implementation, and the methodological manual (collaborative handbook). This meeting was crucial in ensuring the success of the project and its various components.

  • 15/3/23 - Meeting between Swing Tree and Schools

This meeting had the intention of helping teachers start the activity related to the definition of the game proposal. The Swing Tree team, during the meeting, showed the teachers the guidelines for creating the game, and a demo sample and shared some operational suggestions for working with the classes.

Meeting swingtree and schools

  • 26/1/23 - Meeting students at Salvemini school in the framework of "Parliamone Ora" initiative 


Within the Salvemini School auditorium, part of the UNIBO team has been working with some of the classes involved in the INES project to discuss the NPS topic from a chemical and pharmaceutical perspective. At the end of the meeting, several questions and curiosities were collected from students. 

  • x


  • 18/1/23 - Collaborative working on the Didactic Units development (Module 3 and 4)

    This meeting aims to carry on the collaborative work between teachers and researchers in order to design the  Didactic Units related to Modules 3 and 4 of the Short Blended Learning Course.


  • 11/1/23 - Collaborative working on the Didactic Units development (Module 2 and 5)

This meeting aims to carry on the collaborative work between teachers and researchers to design the  Didactic Units related to Modules 2 and 5 of the Short Blended Learning Course.


  • 21/12/22 INES project and short blended learning course: registration in progress at Salvemini in Bologna! 

  • 14/12/22 - Collaborative working on the Didactic Units Development (Module 1)

This meeting aims to start the collaborative work between teachers and researchers in order to design the  Didactic Units related to Module 1 of the Short Blended Learning Course.

  • 27/11/22 A fun and engaging storytelling created by Chiara Montelpare and Giulia Bussolari (Salvemini) about the Brasov experience!



  • 31/8/22 - Meeting at Zarco with students' parent

Zarco School met with students' parents to introduce them to the INES project. Below are some pictures from the event.

Zarco parets meeting Zarco parets meeting

Zarco parets meeting
Zarco parets meeting

  • 24/08/22 - INES presentation ITALIAN version available (Download Poster IT

  • 07/07/22 - Follow-up meeting

Organizational meeting to verify and plan the next activities

  • 06/07/22 - Game Structure and prototype meeting  

A meeting between Unibo (EDU) and SwingTree to discuss the second proposal for the game prototype

  • 21/6/22 -  Meeting between UniBo and Salvemini School

This meeting was essential to present the current status of the INES project and to share the present and the next project activiti

  • 15/6/22 - Syllabus and short blended learning course - Module 5 

Internal scientific meeting of UniBo EDU Team

  • 14/6/22 - Game Structure and prototype meeting

UniBo EDU Team meets SwingTree to discuss the first proposal for the game prototype.

A group of classes from Zarco Secondary School (Porto, Portugal) and Mircea Cristea Secondary School (Brasov, Romania) made the poster translation, in their language, of the INES project. We thank you for your relevant work! 

Download Poster (PT)1Download Poster (RO)2

We would also like to thank SwingTree for their collaboration! The presentation has been translated into French. Download Poster (FR)

1The translation was supervised by Prof. Manuela Galante and the translation was provided by classes 1,2,3,6,7 and 8 from the 10th grade (15-year-old students) from Escola Secundária João Gonçalves Zarco, in Matosinhos, Portugal

2 The translation was supervised by Prof. Roxana Barbulescu and the translation was provided by classIX-a B of Mircea School

  • 3/5/22 - Syllabus scientific meeting 🤝🧑‍🔬

  • 2-3/3/22 - Kick-off meeting 👥

This day marked the official start of INES project. All the members of the INES partnership gathered - coordinated by the PI - to present and discuss all the work phases and outputs foreseen for each Work Package. All financial and monitoring activities were also presented during this event.

  • 2/2/22 - Pre-kick off  👥

On this day all the project partners met with the aim to know each other ( even if virtually) and prepared all the activities proper to conduct the official Kick-off meeting of the project.

  • 9/2/22 - Internal meeting with SwingTree  🤝🧑‍💻

The UniBo EDU team met (via the virtual platform) with the partner SWINGTREE (Belgium) in order to lay the foundations for planning future digital game development activities with a Storytelling approach.

  • December 2021, the project was founded! 🎂

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